Hey there, fellow 人間! Thank you for checking my blog out. I really appreciate you.
I’m Bibi from India, and I have been studying Japanese for about two years now. My hobbies include working out, watching anime, and occasionally doing origami or playing the ukulele. In university, I majored in English Literature not for the books I enjoyed reading but for the language in which I read them.
Like many Japanese learners out there, my passion for the Japanese language began with watching anime. One Piece was my first “official” anime, and it will forever hold a special place in my heart.
This was my 23rd birthday cake! Families really know how to make your birthday special. :’)
I started this blog for several reasons. Firstly, I have always loved writing because it allows me to express myself fully, a passion that has grown since childhood. This love for writing also extends to my fascination with languages. While I have always been interested in learning new languages, my enthusiasm has reached new heights ever since I discovered my love for Japanese.
Secondly, studying Japanese has sparked my dream of becoming a translator. Before delving into the language, I didn’t have a clear goal in life, but now I aspire to live in Japan where I can use Japanese and deepen my understanding of the culture more. Therefore, I figured that a personal blog would be an ideal platform for honing my skills and improving my overall proficiency, both as a learner and an aspiring translator of the language.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, this blog serves as a means to connect with fellow learners who share similar interests. So, this blog serves not only an educational purpose but also as a platform where I can share my learning journey with people from around the world and foster meaningful connections.
In terms of content, I share the learning methods that have helped me the most, including the JLPT. I also write reviews of books that I find interesting, both educational and non-educational, and simply anything I think is worth writing about. I hope to expand my content over time.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. And I cannot wait to connect with you.